ARH Sabbatical Member

Please pay for your renewal first by clicking on the link below, then submit this form to renew your ARH Registered membership.

If currently insured with Balens via the ARH Block Scheme, please email Balens on, or phone 01684 580 771, to renew your policy.

    Name and address details

    Date of Birth *

    Additional Supporting Information

    Accept the ARH terms statement

    “I am aware of no convictions, claims, suits or other circumstances which could reasonably lead to a claim being made, or action initiated against me in relation to my homeopathic practice. I confirm I have read the ARH Code of Ethics, I agree to practise in accordance with the ARH Code of Ethics. I also agree to undertake regular CPD in order to maintain and further develop my professional skills. I certify the above details to be true and correct. I understand that the ARH will use my personal data in the manner described in the ARH privacy policy, which is available on the ARH website.”